The Seismology Laboratory has been actively contributing to the research of the Earth's structural and physical properties since 1960, using data obtained from earthquake recording stations operating in Turkey and around the world. The research projects, as well as master's and doctoral studies conducted in the laboratory, focus particularly on understanding the physical processes at earthquake sources and analyzing the isotropic/anisotropic properties of crust and mantle structures. These studies employ advanced 3D source and structural tomographic inversion methods.
The studies carried out in the Seismology Laboratory are published in prestigious scientific journals indexed by national and international SCI (i.e. Science, Nature, JGR-Solid Earth, EPSL, Tectonophysics, GJI, GRL, PEPI, JAES, and Solid Earth-EGU). The laboratory collaborates with prominent research institutions worldwide, including ETH-Zurich, NASA-JPL, INGV, NOA-Athens, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and GFZ-Potsdam, through joint research projects and partnerships.
The main computational units and other equipment used in the Seismology Laboratory are funded by grants and project support from organizations such as ITU-BAP, TÜBİTAK, TÜBA, BAGEP, and the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation.
Seismology Lab Team
Prof.Dr. Tuncay Taymaz
Prof.Dr. Seda Yolsal-Çevikbilen (Lab. Curator)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tuna Eken (Lab. Curator)
Res.Ast. Derya Keleş
Res.Ast. Ceyhun Erman
Res.Ast. Berkan Özkan
Res.Ast. Başak Işık